Saturday, December 31, 2011

new year

The new year is upon us, and how the old one flew by! It seems that each new year speeds by faster then the last. Here is to new leaves, new spring days and gardens yet to be planted.
Speaking of new things, my lemon tree is here!

It is settling in nicely, despite the snow and ice outside. I can't wait for the little lemons!

Have you made any new years resolutions? One of mine is to write more often, something that I have not made time for this year. Hopefully that means that I will be stopping by here more often.

Have a safe and wonderful New Years Eve!

Thursday, December 22, 2011


I moved home to Colorado and so many things have changed...
Snow for one.
We moved into a tiny house with a yellow kitchen and hardly any counter space and though I miss Miami and the people I met there I'm happy to be back in a place that I understand.
I'm hoping we will be able to plant a real garden this year with strawberries, tomatoes, lettuce, cucs, herbs, flowers... I'm still dreaming of the day we have our own place and I can really plant a jungle complete with chickens and bees. Here's to hoping, wishing and dreaming!
I also just ordered a Meyer's Lemon tree, I can't wait for it to arrive!
Hope you are all safe and have a wonderful holiday in the snow.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

mango time

It is mango season down here, the trees are on every corner and they are amazingly strange to see...
My sister and I went fruit picking while she was here...

We had them for breakfast the next day...


Saturday, May 21, 2011

last weeks...

I went to put on the tea pot the other morning and jumped about a foot and a half when a small creature darted around the sink, it was apparently stuck. It was an entertaining and startling way to start the morning

I am moving back to Colorado in a few weeks (make that 5.5 weeks). There are things that I will miss, like the coffee, but others that I will be happy to leave behind, BUGS, too hot days things that creep and crawl...
All in all it has been a good year, filled with new friends, new languages, and a new city.
Here is to new adventures at a new job filled with new people!

List of things to do before I leave:
go to the keys
pick mangos
spend a day at the beach
drink more cuban coffee...

Sunday, February 27, 2011


As I am making my Birthday cake I am pondering with a question: why is it that we always want to squeeze babies? Well I had my own encounter with a little guy, so cute and all alone in the world. So needless to say I scooped him up and took him someplace safe where he would be well taken care of, but not without snapping a few pictures first...
eating a little corn
taking a nap in my hand after realizing he was now safe
My class named him Charlie. He will forever be the cutest visitor I have had to my classroom.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

new friends

Being in Florida during winter has it's good parts, such as beach time and farmers markets, but it also is the time when new friends smiles can be deceiving. I would like to introduce you to a few such friends...
Even the small ones can bite,
as the teeth marks show...

So even though we are not two feet under snow, you still have to watch where you step!

Friday, January 21, 2011

book lust

Remember way back in April when I went to San Fransisco to see my sister? Well I have been thinking about the Tartine  cookbook for the better part of a year and just broke down and bought it. I can't wait to start making all the wonderful goodies, that is if i can get my oven to work first...

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Lately I have been painting. The more I paint the more I see, take for example this Rainbow Eucalyptus tree that we encountered on our walk through the botanical gardens,
 or this view looking towards the ocean,
 or these bananas.

My sister got me artist trading cards which I have been meaning to start paining, but somehow something else needs to be finished first. Like these asparagus I painted for my Dad's 65th Birthday (check out the blue frame W made!).
I 'll post the cards as they are finished...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

happy new year!

It seems as if time has been slipping by, it feels as if it was only yesterday that I was packing up the car to come down to Miami. It is a New Year and with the New Year comes change. This year promises to be spicy and full of good food. Maybe this year I’ll make the time to check in here more often…

I wanted to share one of my favorite things about my new home, the fact that it is January and our little pepper plant is still going full force. 
Don’t let their size fool you they pack a big punch!